
Gameloft Splashes Out Fresh Screenshots of City Building Game Total Conquest

Want to become the all-conquering hero of Gameloft’s latest city building slash tower defense game Total Conquest? Well, you don’t have to wait long as the game is expected to release sometime later this month and if you are following this blog keenly, you’ll get the hot news as and when it does. Take for instance, these gorgeous screenshots, fresh from the hotpot, served deliciously on a platter for your viewing pleasure.

The beautifully designed screenshots reveal different maps of mighty Roman cities designed to fend off enemy attacks. We also see some shiny armored soldiers storming the fortified areas and blowing up houses.

In the game, you are expected to build your city strategically, carefully safeguarding your resources and defending your key structures. You will also train your troops and get your friends to send over their armies to help you defend your city when you’re off attacking other villages.

Seeing traces of Clash of Clans here? Well, we will know pretty soon. Meanwhile enjoy these screenshots!

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