Author: Joe Dever; Publisher: Bulkypix; Developers: ForgeReply. These guys are talented in their own right, but put them all together, and you bet something exciting is brewing. Exciting as in a gamebook with an original video game adaptation!
If you loved reading the Lone Wolf gamebooks, you’re going to love what they plan to do with this one. The adaptation is called Lone Wolf – Blood on the Snow and the storyline has been written exclusively by Joe himself. Blood on the Snow is expected to be an extension of the series and will focus on the events between the third and the fourth gamebook.
Players will reprise the role of the only surviving member of an ancient warrior order, the Lone Wolf, and will play out his adventures in the unique world of Magnamund. The game will be played out in four acts and will involve gamebook elements such as interactive storytelling combined with 3D RPG elements. The battle scenes for instance are expected to be cinematic in nature, with brilliant sound effects and soundtracks along with brutal, yet stylish 3D combat scenes.
Bulkypix will be releasing the first of the four chapters on Android in November 2013 and they showed off their video teaser at GamesCom 2013 in Colonge, Germany. Enjoy!