There is no denying that in recent times their is huge popularity with the Hunger Game series. The books have sparked a blockbuster movie with more planned and the movies have sparked interest in video games, specifically mobile games. Last year there was an iOS mobile game tie in with the first Hunger Games movie simply called The Hunger Games: Girl on Fire. Now, this year there is another game coming out in respect for the new Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire. The game is called The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Panem Run and as the name implies, it is another endless runner.
At the helm of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Panem Run is Reliance Games with Lionsgate at their back. Details are scarce with The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Panem Run as really only the name and a poster have been shown. It is obvious that the game is an endless runner and the poster shows a nice cinematic shot of Katniss running with the camera behind her a la Temple Run and co. This is different than the last tie-in game which was a sidescroller. There is also talk about The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Panem Run having lots of social gaming tie-ins which is to be expected with a game that is basically an advertisement. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Panem Run should be coming out on November 22nd alongside the actual movie’s debut and should be on both iOS and Android this time.