
Pocket Trains Coming into The Google Play Station

Just like how Planes is sort of a “sequel” to Pixar’s Cars, Nimblebit is going that route with their new game Pocket Trains, the next viable step after their hit game Pocket Planes. No release date is known but a teaser trailer has been shown with repurposed audio from the viral video “Excited Train Guy”.

A little bit of gameplay of Pocket Trains was shown in the trailer which looks to be very similar to their last traveling venture, Pocket Planes. While they look very similar, Pocket Trains is not a mere reskin. Graphics and the general look (plus the freemium model) are all the same but in Pocket Trains there seems to be a greater emphasis on logistics. Making hubs, managing your trains and deeper inventory tracking. Overall it seems Pocket Trains is slightly more detailed and is going to provide a deeper time management transportation game than Pocket Planes was. Again, no release date but rumors are going around saying that it has already been submitted and seems to have already soft launched on Google Play Canada.

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