Everyone knows about Rube Goldberg and I’m sure as a kid tried their hand at creating a machine inspired by the cartoonist. Maybe it was a whole line of paper towel rolls and marbles to switch on a light or some string and paper clips to pop some toast in the oven. Either way, Rube Goldberg has inspired people young and old to make crazy contraptions in their homes. Now, with Unity Games and Electric Eggplant working together there is going to be an official Rube Goldberg puzzle based app called Rube Works.
So now you can simply make your crazy machines on the comfort of your couch and not use up all your random items in your house. Rube Works is said to have 9 levels so far based on the original Rube Goldberg Invention cartoons. At a later date another nine inventions are said to be added. While this feature list seems small I’m sure that Rube Works will get updated after it is out and maybe even get more features added before the release. Speaking of release date, all that is known is Rube Works will be out sometime in November and pricing is still a mystery.