
Help Bring Back Nostalgia; Kickstarter Started for Mutant Football League

If you were a ’90s kid you may remember the original football parody game for the Sega Genesis, Mutant League Football. The game became a number one hit, spawned cartoons, toy lines, a comic and  a sequel, however after all that the franchise was cancelled. Now a decade later the original creator, Michael Mendheim, has looked to Kickstarter to fund a true mobile sequel called Mutant Football League and he is bringing out the big guns which is necessary since the Kickstarter goal is $750,000.

A lot of people may not know what the original Mutant League Football was about. Basically it is a football game with monsters and mutants duking it out in a violent and hilarious football parody. Mutant Football League wants to bring it back into modern times which is going to make a lot of people happy. On top 10 lists for retro games wanting to be remade, Mutant League Football usually makes those lists and the franchise has tons of fans from the past.

But what about the actual gameplay for this new Mutant Football League? Well, it is still early in the process but a few details have been given. Basic features have Mutant Football League being a fluid football game where players can battle each other to death on the field. There are singleplayer and multiplayer modes of which you can adjust the time frame to be either single games, play-offs or full seasons. Unlike a normal EA NFL title, Mutant Football League has a bit more strategy to it all. So instead of just deciding if you want to punt or run the ball, in Mutant Football League you’ll have to worry about keeping your best players alive! You’ll have to worry about field hazards, weapons and dirty trick plays (such as throwing bombs instead of footballs). Since it is fairly early in the process some Kickstarter backer levels let you influence what you want to be in the game! So if you’re a fan of the old Mutant League Football game/television show or just think a violent and hilarious football game parody is awesome then check out the Kickstarter page for Mutant Football League and help them out!

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