
Incredipede: Possibly the Weirdest Creature You’ll Ever Meet is Now on the Play Store

We’ve tackled all kinds of crazy fauna on the Play Store, but you’ll be amazed at Quozzle, the hero of the unique puzzle game Incredipede by Sarah Northway. You see, Quozzle is an eyeball that can be tuned into any imaginable or unimaginable creature you can think of. A bit of dragging and tapping will give the eyeball bones and muscles and eventually transform it into a snake, a horse, a spider, or anything that moves. One look at the video trailer will show you how truly grotesque and unique Incredipede is.

The main surmise of the game is to get Incredipede navigate its natural environment, grab the fruits and reach the exit point. But what seems like an incredibly easy task is made challenging by the techniques you’ll need to use to get there. The game’s natural environment is its greatest impediment. For instance, climbing a rock, jumping across broken land masses, or swimming across water bodies is challenging and success depends on how you create your Incredipede.

Its probably the most natural thing in the world for an insect to morph into something else to survive its environment, but it is strangely discomforting when you become the catalyst of such a transformation. Incredipede is beautifully crafted. Its artwork is spectacular and its tools give you the freedom to create any number of creatures you want to. The game is set in three worlds featuring 120 levels, but its most impressive feature is its ability to let you create creatures, share it with your friends, and encourage them to play with it.

Incredible, weird, or just plain genius, you can download Incredipede now for $3.99.

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