
Knock-knock Brings Paranormal Activity to Android this October

When Russian game developers Ice Pick Lodge launched a Kickstarter campaign for their creepy paranormal thriller Knock-knock, they promised to make the game available for Android if they reached a funding target of $45,000. However, they only managed a little over $41,000. The story does have a happy ending though , because despite the minor setback, the guys have decided to still go ahead with the mobile release.

Knock-knock is about surviving a night in a lonely house in the woods; a house that suddenly starts to experience paranormal visitations in the night. You have to beware of the cracks in the house, because that’s how the visitors get in. Even as you carry your dim light up the attic, the visitors are already in, silently sneaking up behind you. You can stay safe only as long as the rooms are lit and with the lights fading quickly, you must find those breaches and fix the gaps to stay sane and survive the night.

Each night lasts about 7 to 10 minutes and in each night you will encounter different types of visitors, each with their unique quirks, damage range and characteristics. You will also need to make use of the different types of tools that appear every night, and uncover clues to reveal the mystery behind the strange happenings.

Feeling a chill creep down your spine already? Knock-knock will be knocking at your doors Oct 4th. Watch out!

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