
Say Hello to Crescent Moon Games’ Ninja Friends (Nakama) on Android

Crescent Moon Games who graced the Android gaming market with noteworthy names like Ravensword: Shadowlands and Aralon: Sword and Shadow have just released their latest side-scrolling gem called Nakama. It’s a beautiful pixel art adventure set in a Ninja village where the hero and his friends spend many peaceful hours playing music. Only now the peace has been destroyed and friends have gone missing. Its time for the hero (and that’s you) to put on the Ninja shoes and kick some enemy butt!

Nakama comes with two playing styles; a Story mode where you make good use of your Ninja skills as you progress through the story and an Endless Mode where you fight until you run out of steam. One unique feature that players will appreciate in Nakama is that friends you save in the Story mode will come to your rescue in the Endless mode. The action comes thick and fast with plenty of running, jumping, double-jumping, kicking, slashing and boss fighting.

The game’s touch controls are pretty simple as you only move left or right, but if you want to try your hand on some real buttons, you can dig out your MOGA controllers and give it a go. Nakama is a fun fast paced beat’em up style action game that should delight you right from the word go, ‘cause its available for the price of free.

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