
Join Syndicate & SeaNanners in Zombie Killer Squad

By now everyone is basically a professional zombie killer. So why not join in with Zombie Killer Squad, a game developed by Section Studios and 3BD Games. In Zombie Killer Squad you join in with professional gamers/your favorite zombie killers, Syndicate & SeaNanners, to take down hordes of the undead. Zombie Killer Squad is a true to the word, fast paced endless runner.

Zombie Killer Squad (1) Zombie Killer Squad (2) Zombie Killer Squad (3)

So yes…Zombie Killer Squad is “another” endless runner but while trite they may be they certainly are still fun and Zombie Killer Squad is no different. You’ll be dashing through tons of zombie brains with your guns ablaze. Speaking of guns, Zombie Killer Squad features a lot of different ones to choose from such as the old school shotgun to the viper (a crossbow a la Daryl from The Walking Dead). The environments you’ll be faced with in Zombie Killer Squad are certainly unique. Levels range from zombie circus clown themed to give you an idea. Zombies also have different types which you’ll have to deal with. Zombie Killer Squad may sound like another zombie themed endless runner that is heaped on the pile but it actually seems pretty fun to play.

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