
A Twist On Tower Defending; Puzzle Defense: Dragons

I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again. I love it when developers combine two different and fairly different video game dynamics to create one completely unique game. This has happened again to my pleasant surprise with Herocraft’s Puzzle Defense: Dragons. The two dynamics this time are tower defense and match-3 gameplay. In a way it is similar to Pixel Defenders but applied to the tower defense genre.

So gameplay is fairly simple but still takes a while to master. You’ll place your defenders aka “towers” on a top down grid as enemy dragons come to attack you. However, if you match three of the same defenders in a row they upgrade. This dynamic is again similar to that found in Pixel Defenders, Triple Town, etc. and is one of my favorites. So for example, three soldiers create an archer, three crossbowmen create an artillery, etc. Simple but it can get tricky. Moreover there are special abilities to help you out and the troop classes are actually upgradeable. If you’re in the mood for something unique to try out then Puzzle Defense: Dragons is easily your game.

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