We can't recommend Optical Inquisitor. It's a game which has been done many times before – only better, and free. - Matt Suckley
FREE/iap · Physics/Shooter/Strategy · Crescent Moon Games
review · 11 years ago
Optical Inquisitor 17+ - Off-target
Considering its cast of characters consists entirely of stick-people, Optical Inquisitor has a surprising amount of style.
list · 11 years ago
Another month and another best of list to help you decide what is worth checking out and what you’ve missed.
news · 11 years ago
Become an Ace Sniper in CMG’s Shooter Game Optical Inquisitor 17+
Betrayal by friends is almost impossible to forget or forgive, but if you have to spend 8 years in prison because of such a betrayal; well… that doesn’t deserve forgiveness.