

FREE/iap · Third-Person Shooter ·

Lawless is a 3D arcade-style shooter game that is set in L.A in the early 90’s. A prison stint has only served to strengthen your criminal contacts and dealings and now that you are out of jail, its time to put your skills to the best use.

Related Reviews & News

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User Reviews

Average rating 3.5 out of 2 votes

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User Reviews

Solid shooter

Shooter with big potential. There are issues with certain weapons, such as shotguns that lagging and making it very hard to play. Hopefully there will be some update soon to address these bugs. Other then…

Posted by berett@ 10 years ago

Cool shooter with expensive guns

Very good shooter. It's challenging because weapons in the shop are very expensive so you have to work hard to upgrade your gear.

Posted by shoot em up 10 years ago

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