
Warner Bros. International Enterprises

news · 11 years ago

The Superhero Strikes Again as Batman Arkham Origins Land on Android

Gotham City’s favorite hero Batman has been absent for quite a long time on the Android platform.

news · 11 years ago

Warner Bros At It Again With New Edge of Tomorrow Game

Haven’t heard of the Edge of Tomorrow movie? Well, it is a new sci-fi action movie starring Tom Cruise in which aliens have invaded Earth.

review · 11 years ago

300: Seize Your Glory - This is Madness!

Don’t expect a happy ending, or an ending at all. Potentially good or bad we’ll never know.

news · 11 years ago

The Spartans Strike Again in Combat Strategy Movie Tie-in 300: Seize Your Glory

Where super heroes are concerned a mega budget movie isn’t enough to keep fans happy. Now it goes without saying that we also want a movie-inspired game.