If Android gaming fans were treated to a wealth of awesome games in 2013, they also had to endure some pretty bad ones. We picked out twenty of the best games we reviewed in 2013, so it only seems fair that we also tell you some of the classic duds we reviewed last year. You’ll notice that many of the games that made it to this list were ones with demanding IAPs but there’s also some surprising losers.

5. Fast & Furious 6: The Game
Fast & Furious 6 is weird, boring, and greedy -- not a shining example of what mobile phones can do for gaming. - Evan Wade

4. Enemy Lines
Enemy Lines is a confused attempt at combining real-time strategy with "freemium" style content. The combination of emphasis on building a solid base with the lack of resources needed to do so creates a frustrating and lackluster title, and practically begs for you to spend money to get ahead. Actual combat is un-engaging, and simply creates yet another avenue for profit if you want to repair. - Jason Stengren

3. Song Rush
SongRush is a dull and uninspiring game that fails to rise up to any decent standards of gameplay. Stay away. - Adeline Gear

2. PlayStation All-Stars Island
Playstation All Stars Island is an advertisement, masquerading as a game with ads in it. - Dean Sherwin

1. Assassin’s Creed Pirates
Easily the most disappointing game of 2013. - Abhimanyu Ghoshal