
Ace Fishing: Wild Catch Makes Fishing Look Easy

Whether you like fishing or not Com2Us’ latest game, Ace Fishing: Wild Catch, is still worth checking out. For fishing fans it has everything you would want in a mobile fishing video game such as great graphics, tons of different fish, realism, etc. For non-fishing fans it is still a fun and detailed experience that may turn you into a fisherman in real life, who knows?

Ace Fishing: Wild Catch really does make fishing look easy as the controls are simple one touch and the game takes the agonizing wait of real life fishing and turns it into heart pounding action. Graphics are all in 3D and make the fish you’ve caught really look like you caught them! Of which there are over 200 different species of fish to catch in a variety of areas like the Amazon River and the Hanauma Bay. The fishing gear itself acts fairly realistic and the struggle of having fish fight back is imitated in the game. You can also customize your rods, reals, etc. for a more personalized feel. Like in real life fishing you like telling tall tales so in Ace Fishing: Wild Catch there are online leaderboards where you can see who has caught the biggest catch! Either way you look at it Ace Fishing: Wild Catch is fun for all and a great fishing simulator.

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