
Can You Solve The Mystery? Broken Sword: Serpent’s Curse

Revolution Software is at it again with another one of their great mystery adventure games. This time the title is Broken Sword: Serpent’s Curse and has you playing as two characters as they try and solve a mystery of a stolen painting…with a hint of murder to go along with it!

The story behind Broken Sword: Serpent’s Curse is one full of twists and turns. There is the mystery of the painting and the murder along with general conspiracies and much more mysterious happenings of the supernatural type. You will need your wits about you as you solve the various logic and other types of puzzles around. The Broken Sword series so far is immensely successful and Broken Sword: Serpent’s Curse looks to be no different. The story is great, the puzzles engaging and all the voices are done by professionals. You can get Broken Sword: Serpent’s Curse for $6.99 which is a good price for the amount of game you’re getting and especially the quality.

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