
Deadly Bullet is the Magic Bullet

Who knew that one single bullet could cause so much devastation and destruction. In Deadly Bullet, by Tommi Saalasti, you control a single bullet but you’ll end up taking down a whole dystopian metropolis. How does this work, you may be asking? Well, Deadly Bullet has a top down interface where you simply draw where you want your bullet to go. Through enemies, into exploding barrels, you name it you can shoot it!

Deadly Bullet is high octane pure fun action game. The high speed of the game is just exhilarating and combined with the Hotline Miami-esque graphics, it really makes an impression. Content wise there are nine levels covering three different locations with two different game modes. To improve gameplay, Deadly Bullet has powerups you can find to cause even more deadly destruction which is also improved with an upgrade system. Perhaps the best thing about Deadly Bullet, however, is that it is a free game free of ads. Finally a developer in it for developing! You can check out this awesome looking game for free on Google Play.

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