When it comes to a bank heist I’m sure the typical people you’re thinking of are either a fancy pants Oceans Eleven type crew or some rough and ready gangsters. Black Bullet Games flips that stereotype with their new game, Gangster Granny, where you rob banks as your grandma in a third person shooter style.
The story behind Gangster Granny is that she was an all around nefarious character robbing banks and buying weapons but got caught. Gangster Granny then picks up with her escaping from prison since someone sent her a gun in a secret package. In Gangster Granny you’ll have nine unlockable levels in the campaign mode that have good replay value. There are also ten weapons in different classes that you can unlock and use for your heist and other dirty needs. Graphically Gangster Granny has a colorful cartoon 3D style that somehow makes shooting cops seem fun. Gangster Granny is available on Google Play right now for $1.56 so if you want to help a granny rob a bank, check it out!