Hundreds if not thousands of games get put up on Kickstarter hoping to get funded and become a reality yet unfortunately only a small percentage actually succeed. Fist of Awesome, from I Fight Bears, is one of the success stories. It has been out for iOS (as usual…) for a while but now is on Android much to my delight.
You may be curious to what Fist of Awesome is actually about. Well, think of the developer’s name, I Fight Bears, literally. Yep, in Fist of Awesome you are mainly punching and fighting bears Street Fighter style. You play as a lovable lumberjack whose family gets kidnapped by a secret group of bear overlords. Your fist then becomes…well awesome and you go kick some bear butt. Fist of Awesome is a tongue in cheek type game where puns galore and the ridiculousness factor is part of the appeal. Controls seem simple enough and pixelated graphics and chiptune music are there to lure you into that perfect retro feel. Fist of Awesome does cost around $4 on Google Play but there is loads of content and is a proven hit, so check it out today!