Game designer and brains behind the ominous world of Shadowrun, Jordan Weisman, has had yet another Harebrained idea – this time involving the fusion of technology and tabletop gaming. For those of you with at least a drop of experience in the realm of tabletop, I’m sure you’re painfully aware of the “baggage” necessary for a solid day-long session; core rule books provide the answers to arguments on mechanics, player’s guides tell you all you need to know about specific classes and races, supplemental books give you insight into the minutia that makes you stand apart from your geek-mates, and boxes upon boxes of miniatures let you create mock battles across hex-based landscapes. But, what if you could digitize some or all of these resources so that it’s just a map, your minis, and a tablet? As it turns out, this is exactly what Weisman has in mind for his upcoming Kickstarter campaign, “Golem Arcana”.
As the golems of ye ‘ole world smash each others’ faces in using their fantasy-themed magical prowess, you’ll be managing all the rules beneath the covers with your own magic-wand – the TDI (Tabletop Digital Interface). Instead of referencing dozens of tables and rules regarding LoS (line of sight), you’ll simply tap one mini on the map and then another to display your options on a nearby tablet. Curious about a particular golem’s stats? Tap the stylus on the border of the mini-base and up comes a full statistical readout! Sounds slick, doesn’t it? Just imagine not having to haul all that crap to your next game.