Laurent Bakowski made a name for himself with his Bad Roads series which has you driving a truck full of ducks over well…bad roads. There is physics attached to everything and if your ducks fall out you lose. Simple game but highly addictive and well polished. Now Bad Roads 2 is here with more duck transporting action. So what exactly is new in this sequel?
Well, there are five different stages that feature totally original designs which comes complete with an original soundtrack. There are also five vehicles you can unlock and drive your ducks around in as well as unlimited courses to do so on. Bad Roads 2 features a unique two player split screen mode if you want to play some multiplayer with a friend sitting right next to you. Those are the new features in Bad Roads 2 but in addition it features everything else you loved in the original. The wacky and addictive gameplay mostly. I dare you to transport all your ducks without losing a single one! Bad Roads 2 is fun for all and can give you a decent challenge at times, check it out!