Tiki Monkeys is a game where pirates are good and monkeys are bad. Crazy right? But these monkeys are thieves (insert irony here) and stole all of your pirate booty! Now it is your duty to chase down those darn thieving monkeys and retrieve your loot back.
The way Tiki Monkeys works is you pick your favorite pirate out of the bunch and then set off to search for the monkeys in various jungle themed levels. Gameplay has you trying to hit the monkeys to gain your coins back while avoiding their bannana and coconut attacks. You’ll need to have fast fingers and quick reflexes to come out on top with Tiki Monkeys. Adding to the experience of it all, Tiki Monkeys has great colorful graphics and social media integration. Levels have a bit of strategy in them and while gameplay is easy to learn it is admittedly hard to master. So if you think you have what it takes to take down evil thieving monkeys, check out Tiki Monkeys now!