Sonic the Hedgehog has taken an endless amount of time arriving on the Android platform, but now that he’s made it, Android device owners can enjoy some unabashedly good endless running fun across beautiful 3D environments.
The game is typical of most games of the genre where you take on the role of a popular character (Sonic, in this case) and go dashing and smashing over obstacles, picking up currency, unlocking power ups and completing missions. Additionally, in Sonic Dash you can indulge in some serious speed play with the signature “Dash” move that will destroy everything in your path. There are also old enemies such as Zazz from Sonic Lost World to face in epic Boss battles.
Sega intends to reward players who play longer with special prizes such as Red Star Rings and character unlocks. Players will also be able to invite Facebook friends and challenge global players for leaderboard supremacy. IAPs are also a big part of the Sonic franchise and players will be able to head over to the Store and buy the additional characters, rings, or much needed powerups to score one better than friends. However, you are also perfectly entitled to play fair and square using the in game currency you pick up along the way!
Sega may be starting to stretch the popularity of its characters with yet another game mashup, but it looks as though there’s still more juice left in them yet.
Sonic Dash is available on the Play Store for free.