
A Spooktacular Endless Runner; Penombre

While it is March now and definitely not Halloween, Bulkypix has just published a new endless runner called Penombre that is full of the supernatural. So, witches, ghosts, and ghouls..oh my! The backstory is you play as a young witch named Umbra who went to explore to find new spells. She promptly gets lost and as Penombre falls across the land all the once friendly creatures are now blood thirsty and out for Umbra.

From there you get to travel (or run) in seven different Kingdoms full of all sorts of tricks and traps to get you. Penombre (the game, not the plot device) has a few interesting features that separate it from all the other endless runners. The first is that if you do hit an obstacle you don’t automatically die. Instead your vision blurs making the game harder but at least you still have some more chances. Secondly, Penombre has spells that can help you out. You can upgrade these spells and of course unlock different ones as you play on. Penombre is very fast paced and has a great look that is reminiscent of Badland and other games like that. If you’re an endless runner fan then Penombre seems like a must download.

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