
Spy Vs. Spy…Sort of; Spy Wars

Spy Wars by HotHead Games brings to the table an interesting back story. Basically government secrets have been leaked which has created an international crisis also creating a spy war. The war is the different spy groups trying to gain the leaked knowledge before anyone else.

As you can expect from a game about spies, Spy Wars has all sorts of interesting gameplay ideas. You’ll hack computers, crack safes, set traps, infiltrate enemy bases and more. Even better is that there is a PvP type aspect so you can literally play spy vs. spy with thousands of online players. Further features of Spy Wars includes training different spy classes such as The Hacker, The Locksmith, The Saboteur, The Demolitionist and The Brawler. You also get to play in locations all across the globe and work with government officials as part of the storyline. Graphics in Spy Wars are pretty well done and extremely detailed. Overall Spy Wars is a very interesting game that utilizes the PvP aspect perfectly.

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