
Underwater Metropolis, an Ocean Themed City Builder, Seeks Funding

City building mobile games are a popular genre but for the most part are fairly standard and not that different from one another as well as usually plagued by insane in-app purchases. Eleventh Level Interactive hopes to change that perception with their newest upcoming game Underwater Metropolis. In Underwater Metropolis it is up to you to build your dream under the sea city as you take on issues ranging from ecological to political. The game looks amazing from what screenshots have been shown and the ideas mentioned seem unique, yet Underwater Metropolis is going to need some crowdfunding help as Eleventh Level Interactive have put it on Kickstarter with a goal of $20,000.

Underwater Metropolis seems to go above and beyond what the current idea of a city builder game is. For instance you can not only decide on buildings and their layout but you can also dictate the streets layout. In Underwater Metropolis you also have three factors to look out for; population, economy and safety. Safety issues also bring some excitement as you’ll have to deal with volcanoes, pollution and even laser shark attacks. For economy and population you can assign jobs to your underwater creatures to bring in revenue which is said to also influence the politics of your city.  In general, Underwater Metropolis seems to be a unique and dynamic representation of what is now a fairly boring genre and I look forward to it. If you are so inclined check out their Kickstarter page and back them!

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