
Unwind After Work with Smash the Office – Stress Fix!

Bored and tired of working your boring old office job in your cubicle day in after day out? Feel like you’re going stir crazy and just want to go ballistic one day and smash everything in the office to smithereens? Well if you do…don’t! You may get fired…actually you probably would get fired. Instead try out a new game from Tuokio Oy entitled Smash the Office – Stress Fix! on your Android device. This way you can smash everything without the consequences.

Smash the Office – Stress Fix! is a very simple mobile game and concept but it has that hook that sucks you in. I mean, who doesn’t like smashing things? And boy does Smash the Office – Stress Fix! have smashing. Use weapons from katanas to sledgehammers as you bust apart computer terminals, chairs, desks, etc. The goal is to work your way up to the coveted executive suites and smash all their fancy pants equipment too!

Again, Smash the Office – Stress Fix! is not a tough or challenging game. It really is akin to a stress ball but instead of squeezing the life out of a squishy ball you are swiping your fingers like crazy imitating total destruction in an office environment. Check out Smash the Office – Stress Fix! today!

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