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news · 11 years ago
Care to Kickstart the Sci-fi Adventure from Paul Cuisset Called Subject 13?
Paul Cuisset, a pioneer in the field of adventure games and creator of the highest selling French video game Flashback is creating a new sci-fi adventure game called Subject 13.
news · 11 years ago
Kickstart the Intense Arcade Fighting Game with TCG Elements called Within
If competitive 1-on-1 fighting games are something you enjoy playing, take a look at DESTINYbit’s Kickstarter project called “Within”.
news · 11 years ago
SWDTech Games Seeks 97K for their 16 Bit Detective RPG Pixel Noir
Who can you trust when you can’t trust yourself? says the cryptic message in SWDTech Games’ Kickstarter page for their noir detective role playing game Pixel Noir.
news · 11 years ago
Acclaimed Graphic Novel Series Bizenghast Will Come to Android with Kickstarter Funding
Bizenghast, the popular graphic novel is celebrating its tenth anniversary and what better way to ring in the celebrations than to reinvent it as a mobile RPG.
news · 11 years ago
3D Sci-fi Sandbox Survival Game Proven Lands Hits Kickstarter
Proven Lands by thesetales is a 3D science fiction game that draws inspiration from TV shows like Star Trek and Alien and games like Don’t Starve, Project Zomboid…
news · 11 years ago
Playdek Reveals Some More About its Kickstarter Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians
Last month we told you about an ambitious tactical RPG called Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians that hit Kickstarter.
news · 11 years ago
Kickstart Dark Lands if you Want to Play it on Your Android
Dark Lands from Mingle Games is enjoying some smashing success on the Windows platform with over a million downloads after two and a half months of its release.
news · 11 years ago
Kickstart This Tactical RPG: Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians
Unsung Story is set in the fantasy world of Rasfalia and covers the seventy-seven years war that was fought between the empires and kingdoms within.
news · 11 years ago
Crazy Cricket Seeks Funding for Tapping Dead 2; A Sequel Already?
Tapping Dead 2 is aiming high to break expectations and bring the series to new directions.
news · 11 years ago
Help Fund This Cuteness Overload; Pakka Pets
Are you ready to burst into a fit of rainbows and glitter?
news · 11 years ago
Ready to Kickstart a Space MMO? Kercus Holding Seeks 100K for Universe Rush
Have you been itching to play an intense MMO space strategy game for some time?
news · 11 years ago
Turn Based Tactical RPG Heroes of Steel Moves Out of Kickstarter and onto Android
The game follows a grim storyline where four of the thirteen children of the All-Father turned against him and not only destroyed him but also the universe he ruled.
news · 11 years ago
Pirates of New Horizon Seeks Kickstarter Funding For Its Space Pirate Game
Pirates are cool within themselves, sailing the seven seas and pillaging whatever they please.
news · 11 years ago
Pixeljam’s Prehistoric Dinosaur Surviving Platformer Looks for Kickstarter Funding
The fascination for dinosaurs apparently never dies because in Dino Run 2 Pixeljam is planning to introduce plenty of dinosaurs each with their own special skills and abilities.
news · 11 years ago
The Con Must Go On; Comic ConQuest Seeks Funding
Comic Conventions are hugely popular nowadays, just take a look at the thousands of people who show up to the holy grail of Comic Con.
news · 11 years ago
HeroCraft Looks for Kickstarter Funding for its Gorgeous Looking TBS Lords of Discord
No game of this proportion is going to take place without multiplayer gameplay, and Lords of Discords is no exception.
news · 11 years ago
Pier Solar HD Reaches Stretch Goal, Coming To Android
The game follows Houston, a young botanist, on a quest to save his father from an unknown illness.
news · 11 years ago
Sarah Northway Seeks Funding For Rebuild: Gangs of Deadsville
When it comes to zombie themed games the Rebuild series from Sarah Northway is top tier and always places high in countdown lists.
news · 11 years ago
Underwater Metropolis, an Ocean Themed City Builder, Seeks Funding
City building mobile games are a popular genre but for the most part are fairly standard and not that different from one another as well as usually plagued by insane in-app purchases.
news · 11 years ago
Lexis Numérique Takes Taxi Journey to Kickstarter
Lexis Numérique, one of Europe’s leading indie game studios is working on a unique side-scrolling platform adventure called Taxi Journey.
news · 11 years ago
Help Bring Back Nostalgia; Kickstarter Started for Mutant Football League
If you were a ’90s kid you may remember the original football parody game for the Sega Genesis, Mutant League Football.
news · 12 years ago
Golem Arcana, The Digital Tabletop Experience, Seeks Funding
If you are into the figurine tabletop gaming experience such as Warhammer, Heroscape or Heroclix, you’re whole idea and thoughts on the genre are about to be flipped upside down.
news · 12 years ago
Breathtaking Action RPG Mother of Myth Shows off Latest Build Video on Kickstarter
If you haven’t been following Playnery’s latest game developmental efforts so far, it’s time you did.
news · 12 years ago
Japan’s RPG Project Phoenix on Fire at Kickstarter; Surpasses Target in Just 2 Days
Japan’s first Indie RPG title on Kickstarter, Project Phoenix is estimated to be launched only in 2015, but it is seeing such a frenzied backing, the likes of which you may never see in a while.
news · 12 years ago
CYOA Goes the Kickstarter Way to Build the First Choose Toons App
Vermont-based company Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) are well known publishers of the Choose Your Own Adventure series of interactive books.
news · 12 years ago
Edo Superstar Seeks Kickstarter Fame and Money
Developer Jed Henry has been fascinated with Japanese games since his childhood and now wants to create his own Japanese inspired game.
news · 12 years ago
TinkerHouse Games Knocks on Kickstarter for Its Exciting New Project Dwarven Delve
TinkerHouse Games are planning a new action puzzle crawl game…yep…an ACTION PUZZLE CRAWL game with a unique blend of mechanics.
news · 12 years ago
Chroma Squad Hits Kickstarter Goal – Pre-order Now
About a week ago I wrote a little news article about Behold Studios’ latest endeavor, Chroma Squad, which is a turn-based style game where you manage a Japanese Sentai TV show.
news · 12 years ago
Chroma Squad Almost at Kickstarter Goal
Kickstarter has been a great platform for games to reach the light of day by getting fans and interested people to donate money to the cause.
news · 12 years ago
Golem Arcana Hits Kickstarter This August
Game designer and brains behind the ominous world of Shadowrun, Jordan Weisman, has had yet another Harebrained idea – this time involving the fusion of technology and tabletop gaming.
news · 12 years ago
ArtfulBits Seeks Kickstarter Funding for Its Evolutionary Tower Defense Game
Independent game developers ArtfulBits are building a unique tower defense game with an evolutionary concept.